Textmate Github App
TextMate Language syntax for Puppet. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. TextMate can handle it all by associating detailed scope selectors with key shortcuts, settings, etc. Commands The UNIX underpinnings of macOS allows custom actions to be written in any language that can work with stdin, stdout, and environment variables, and for complex interactions TextMate expose both WebKit and a dialog framework for Mac. TextMate 2 at GitHub. Today I am happy to announce that you can find the source for TextMate 2 on GitHub. I've always wanted to allow end-users to tinker with their environment, my ability to do this is what got me excited about programming in the first place, and it is why I created the bundles concept, but there are limits to how much a bundle can do, and with the still growing user base. TextMate is a general-purpose GUI text editor for macOS created by Allan Odgaard. TextMate features declarative customizations, tabs for open documents, recordable macros, folding sections, snippets, shell integration, and an extensible bundle system.
Textmate Github App
TextMate Language syntax for Puppet. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. TextMate can handle it all by associating detailed scope selectors with key shortcuts, settings, etc. Commands The UNIX underpinnings of macOS allows custom actions to be written in any language that can work with stdin, stdout, and environment variables, and for complex interactions TextMate expose both WebKit and a dialog framework for Mac. TextMate 2 at GitHub. Today I am happy to announce that you can find the source for TextMate 2 on GitHub. I've always wanted to allow end-users to tinker with their environment, my ability to do this is what got me excited about programming in the first place, and it is why I created the bundles concept, but there are limits to how much a bundle can do, and with the still growing user base. TextMate is a general-purpose GUI text editor for macOS created by Allan Odgaard. TextMate features declarative customizations, tabs for open documents, recordable macros, folding sections, snippets, shell integration, and an extensible bundle system.
' Don't try to be vi compatible |
setnocompatible |
' Helps force plugins to load correctly when it is turned back on below |
filetypeoff |
' TODO: Load plugins here (pathogen or vundle) |
' Turn on syntax highlighting |
syntaxon |
' For plugins to load correctly |
filetypepluginindenton |
' TODO: Pick a leader key |
' let mapleader = ',' |
' Security |
setmodelines=0 |
' Show line numbers |
setnumber |
' Show file stats |
setruler |
' Blink cursor on error instead of beeping (grr) |
setvisualbell |
' Encoding |
setencoding=utf-8 |
' Whitespace |
setwrap |
settextwidth=79 |
setformatoptions=tcqrn1 |
settabstop=2 |
setshiftwidth=2 |
setsofttabstop=2 |
setexpandtab |
setnoshiftround |
' Cursor motion |
setscrolloff=3 |
setbackspace=indent,eol,start |
setmatchpairs+=<:>' use % to jump between pairs |
runtime! macros/matchit.vim |
' Move up/down editor lines |
nnoremapj gj |
nnoremapk gk |
' Allow hidden buffers |
sethidden |
' Rendering |
setttyfast |
' Status bar |
setlaststatus=2 |
' Last line |
setshowmode |
setshowcmd |
' Searching |
nnoremap/ /v |
vnoremap/ /v |
sethlsearch |
setincsearch |
setignorecase |
setsmartcase |
setshowmatch |
map :let@/=''' clear search |
' Remap help key. |
inoremap:set invfullscreena |
nnoremap :set invfullscreen |
vnoremap :set invfullscreen |
' Textmate holdouts |
' Formatting |
mapq gqip |
' Visualize tabs and newlines |
setlistchars=tab:▸ ,eol:¬ |
' Uncomment this to enable by default: |
' set list ' To enable by default |
' Or use your leader key + l to toggle on/off |
mapl :setlist!' Toggle tabs and EOL |
' Color scheme (terminal) |
sett_Co=256 |
setbackground=dark |
letg:solarized_termcolors=256 |
letg:solarized_termtrans=1 |
' put https://raw.github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized/master/colors/solarized.vim |
' in ~/.vim/colors/ and uncomment: |
' colorscheme solarized |
Textmate Free
set number |
syntax on |
set ruler |
set tabstop=4 |
set shiftwidth=4 |
set expandtab |